On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Misc wrote:

> Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:36:38 +0800
> From: Misc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: access old application from struts?
> Hi,
> I'm migrating webapplication to Weblogic5.1 from my old web application which has a 
> lot of servlets into Struts application.
> Before completely migrating the whole application, I want struts still be able to 
> access the old application.
> Both should share the same session id.

That's going to be a challenge unless you place everything into a single
web application.  The servlet spec specifically requires that session ids
be valid only with a single webapp.

> But I'm facing with the session problem as the new struts application and my old 
> application creates different session id.
> How to solve this?
> Secondly:
> I need to create this application to be the default application instead of using its 
> application name.
> As exampe:
> the application name is: fx.war
> so if I deploy it, the URL will look like : www.mydomainname.com/fx
> How can I change it into www.mydomainname.com instead?

The details for how to do this depend on your servlet container -- for
example, with Tomcat you'd want to put this webapp into the "webapps/ROOT"
directory.  You'll have to check the WebLogic docs on how to do it there.

> thanks,
> harris.


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