You are not wrong, florian, at the end of days what you should present to
user are strings. The question is: how to retrieve those strings? One
possible answer is by means of valueObjects. Let's think to the classic
user's data (email, password, first name, last name, etc.) and to a normal
Register/Login/Logout/Remove pattern. Well, presumibly, you'll need to pass
back and forward user's data from/to the persistance layer (which possibly
could be a database); then, valueObject is a unique course grained object
containing all the user's information. You can then use parts of this
valueObjects in your JSP to render information to the user or form a unique
valueObject when user supplies information to you, to pass to the
persistance layer. So, from within your JSP page, instead of everytime do
something like:

<% getUserService.getEmail(); %>

for each user's info, you can just get pieces of a valueObject created
before the JSP presentation.

My 2 cents,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "florian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 7:00 PM
Subject: endless actionforms and valueobjects questions

> hi!
> i dont want to start the discussion again. just wanted some feedback
> on some thoughs =)
> i had some dicussions with some friends who argued that valueObjects
> should never never be so far out in the presentation layer. i kinda
> agree
> with that. valueObjects should really only be used on the borders of
> layers.
> that however brings the question: why should i use something else
> than strings in my actionforms?
> ciao!
> florian
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