I've successfully got tiles up and running... I do understand how i can use a tile definition as a struts forward for my actions.... but i'm looking to redirect to a tile definition using a href link. E.g.

I have the following tile definition:

<definition name="my.home" extends="default" >
        <put name="title" value="MY PAGE TITLE HERE"/>
        <put name="body-content" value="home-body.jsp"/>

I have tried the following but it doesn't work (i.e. passing the tile id as a parameter to the ForwardAction):

<action path="/home"

I guess what i'm really asking is there a predefined Action which will take my tile Id and forward to this view....

Its not that i'm lazy as i could write one if i need too but this would mean that i have to create a global forward for any tiles i want to access using a href and then pass the global id to a temporary action in order to view my definition which sounds like a very round about way to achieve this.

Any ideas guys??

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