Futrher to my previous post, the problem seems to be that the struts-examples war is trying to use the validator plug-in and on loading the validation rules through the WEB-XML/validator-rules.xml, it is failing to fing the DTD, because I am running offline. the DTD is looking for jakarta.apache.org.

This is the error below. I thought that the servers were clever enough to use local DTDs if they are present (on the classpath). In this case the DTD refererred to in the validator-rules.xml is in the commons-validator.jar, which is in the struts-examples.jar that I'm having problems deploying.

I have extracted the DTD and place it on the server classpath and it makes no difference

Any help appreciated.

INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.webapp.example.ApplicationResource
s', returnNull=true
09-Jun-2003 12:17:40 org.apache.struts.webapp.example.memory.MemoryDatabasePlugI
n init
INFO: Initializing memory database plug in from '/WEB-INF/database.xml'
09-Jun-2003 12:17:40 org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn initResources
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
09-Jun-2003 12:17:40 org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn initResources
SEVERE: jakarta.apache.org
java.net.UnknownHostException: jakarta.apache.org
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName0(Ljava.lang.String;Z)[Ljava.net.Ine
tAddress;(Unknown Source)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName0(Ljava.lang.String;)[Ljava.net.Inet
Address;(Unknown Source)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(Ljava.lang.String;)[Ljava.net.InetA
ddress;(Unknown Source)
at weblogic.net.http.HttpClient.openServer(Ljava.lang.String;I)V(HttpCli
at weblogic.net.http.HttpClient.openServer()V(HttpClient.java:292)

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