Hi all

I have been using struts for some time now but a new problem has come up:

I use a form to select some options needed retrieve some data required to
generate a graph.

For the sake of clarity, I'll call this retrieveDataAction.

retrieveDataAction gets the data and places it into session scope under key
'GRAPHDATA' the user is then forwarded to displaydata.jsp.

displaydata.jsp contains the following (simplfied):

<logic:present name="GRAPHDATA" scope="session" >

<p><html:img page="/createimage.do" /></p>


The createimageAction retrieves the GRAPHDATA from session scope, generates a
gif image and writes it to response.OutputStream(), closes the stream and
returns null.

The problem I have is that at least one client (using IE 5) finds that the same
image is always presented even though he has requested some different data.  I
have not been able to reproduce the problem using an IE 6 client - does anyone
know if this is an IE 5 'feature' and - is there a solution?

David Bolsover

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