I decided that I didn't have time to dive straight into EJB, although I'm taking far more time than expected on the design. Hmph!

Thanks for the input. What though is POJO?

Erik Price wrote:
I think it would be better to employ the session facade pattern, perhaps using a Session bean, for a couple reasons.

1) you don't expose the entity beans (essentially they are wrapped "privately" in the session facade)
2) you can populate some POJOs like "value objects" or whatever from the data in the entity beans

Note that if you are using CMP (esp 2.0), you may find it faster to simply develop with CMP and skip the factory business (unless your "factory classes" really are just prototypes and you don't spend too much time perfecting and goldplating them) -- the whole point is that you don't have to do all the hand-coding when you use CMP. Use XDoclet to spare yourself the hassle of generating all the boilerplate, and some app servers (such as JBoss) have XDoclet tags that will generate the database for you.

See xpetstore-ejb (<http://xpetstore.sourceforge.net/>) for an example of this.


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