Ok this has me stumped...

the down and dirty:

formBean has HashMap called fooMap

fooMap has keys that bring back beans of type BarBean

BarBean has properties someCode , someDescrip 

Now I want to iterate over this map and create the properties based on
the properties in BarBean and be able to update this form which will
then update the underlying BarBeans in the map.

(Ignore the part that I know that's a hassle about the reset method and
making sure Map exist there).

<c:forEach var="beanInMap" items="${formBean.fooMap}">

    someCode:     <html-el:text property="????????"/><br>
    someDescrip:  <html-el:text property="????????"/><br>

the text will display fine in the form with:

someCode: <html-el:text name=beanInMap" property="beanInMap.deptCode" />

but when the form submits all the bean property values are null ( in the
reset if it matters for testing i'm just creating a few maps with empty
BarBeans in the map).

I'm stumped.. any help much appreciated.


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