Ok stupid subject line, but now I can get back to something I was
curious about that I posted around a week ago. I'm really curious how to
do accomplish this and yes have tried it a bunch of different ways... 

Here's the challenge....

First challenge is just with a regular ActionForm...

1) Your ActionForm has to have a property of type Map. For this
adventure call it employeesMap.

2) Each map will hold for the key and employeeID ( String ssn - social
security number whatever). The value will be an EmployeeBean. For
testing sake just have it have two properties String name, String age.

3) Put two employees into the Map and put this Map into your ActionForm:
HashMap empMap = new HashMap();
empMap.put( "1111", new EmployeeBean("John Doe", "33" ) );
empMap.put( "2222", new EmployeeBean("Loser Boy", "22" ) );
setEmployeesMap( empMap );

4) Now have a jsp form iterate over this Map and provide text fields to
edit the name and age of each employee. When the form is submitted there
should be a way that it will submit this Map with updated EmployeeBeans
with the new names and ages for each key (1111 and 2222 ). Pull the map
out of the action you submit to and print the properties of the
EmployeeBeans to test.

Second challenge... is do the above using your employeesMap as a
property of a DynaActionForm.

Preferably use JSTL and/or struts-el also would be nice.

(First one to successfully complete this challenge will win 100 dollars
for each person that they forward this e-mail to, as Microsoft will be
monitoring all the e-mails as well. That kid doing this project for his
science fair project to see how far e-mails travel will also be
involved, so please reply to him. The 100 dollars will come from that
African tribe leader with that money he is just dying to give away if
you just contact him. Some of the money might come from the stolen
tourist kidney sales in Mexico, but I'm not positive of that).


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