Hi Mark,

This bit of code should help (from Ted Husted's book! ;-) )

Locale locale = (Locale) session.getAttribute(Action.LOCALE_KEY);
MessageResources messages = servlet.getResources();
String message = messages.getMessage(locale, "important.message");

And if there are replacements ({0}..), eg:
String message = messages.getMessage(locale, "important.message", new Date());

If education is too expensive, try ignorance.

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 12:27:51 -0400
"Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When Struts load, it grabs application.properties and stores it's keys and
> values somewhere.  From within an action class I need to access a value in
> application.properties.  How could one do this?
> tia,
> mark
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