In struts-html.tld, the page attribute allows run-time expressions:


However, in struts-html-el, the page attribute does not allow run-time

<rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue> <--

Is this a bug?  

The reason I ask is because the following code works fine in Tomcat 4.1.24:

    <%-- Get Javascript List --%>
    <tiles:useAttribute id="scriptList" name="scripts" 
        classname="java.util.List" ignore="true"/>
    <c:forEach var="js" items="${scriptList}">
        <script type="text/javascript"
            src="<html-el:rewrite page="${js}"/>"></script>

But in Tomcat 5.0.4, maybe things are stricter or something, but I get the
following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /layouts/baseLayout.jsp(22,17) According
to TLD or attribute dire
ctive in tag file, attribute page does not accept any expressions

If I change it to the following, everything works fine:

    <c:forEach var="js" items="${scriptList}">
        <script type="text/javascript"



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