Hi there,

I have experienced EXACTLY the same problem also - I wish I had a fix for it... I will come back to
that problem sometime, for now, I am concentrating on other parts of my project. I did however manage
to do something else, and that is, from, HTTP page, to have a https form submit, and then when the action
forwards to the same JSP (the one that sent out the https submit) for it to be seen as a regular http page.
So it is done as:

http page ->https submit->http page

In the jsp page that has the form, you do a:

<sslext:pageScheme secure="false" />

in the same jsp, you can have the form

<sslext:form .........>


then, when you do a forward to itself, everything is fine,..., and you see your page as in http....

Regards, a.m.

Mounagurusamy, Jayakumar (HAL) wrote:

SSLEXT really works great for me when I switch from "http" to "https". Well
when I am in https mode I submit a form as post methods, however the
subsequent page is not secured. Obviously the action redirects to http mode,
that is ok with me but it appends the form parameter values to the URL and
it is visible in clients browser address bar. I do not want to see the form
parameter values in the Address bar.

Does any one experience the same problem and Any idea to solve this will be
greatly appreciated


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