I've created a project that uses Struts, XDoclet and Hibernate and also
generates ActionFroms from POJOs.  Maybe it'll help.



-----Original Message-----
From: Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:12 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Struts + Hibernate: A few newbie questions about how to get
this right?

I have spent quite some time working with creating a new web interface 
on top of an existing database.  As we want to eventually change the 
schema we have decided to put an abstraction layer on top of it, which I 
am in the process of modelling as Hibernate beans, where Ihave just 
started dealing with the process of updating information in these 
persisted beans (previously was read-only), and presenting them with 
bean:* and the display taglib.

I have previously written a search interface accessing the database 
directly (due to some very complicated where-clauses) using Struts in 
order to gather the user preferences for refining the search, which has 
worked well for quite a while.  So I am familiar with the basic concept 
of using a form bean to store the information, and Struts taglibs for 
creating web-forms to alter this information.

Now I want to edit my persistent beans (containing multi-level 
master-detail information) with a Struts-based interface, and in order 
to avoid spending time reinventing the wheel, I would like to ask the 
community first:

* Can I use a persistant bean as my FormBean (or would that be asking 
for inconsistencies), or should I work with a DynaBean and then copy the 
result to the persistant bean in the end?  I will probably need some 

* If not, is there an easy way to populate such a DynaBean from my 
persistant bean and vice versa?  I would rather not have to write a lot 
of setXX( getXX()) statements.

* I have understood from the struts-hibernate example by Ted Husted that 
Struts can utilize Hibernate as a plugin, but I did not understand what 
this implies.  Is there a ressource that explains this?  Is there any 
benefit from just using the two packages directly?

Any insight would be appreciated :)  Thanks in advance.

  Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen     Scandiatransplant
                               Skejby Sygehus, indgang 3
  +45 89 49 53 01              DK-8200 AArhus N

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