
This is what i want to achieve.

Every JSP has a some title info & the Logged in User's name displayed at the top of the page.

I have a baseFormObject which has this attribute called title and user.

BaseForm | | FormA------------------FormB (Children of BaseForm)

I created a JSP(headerline.jsp) whose sole job is to render a line with both these attributes.All the JSPs would include this JSP.

I can't use the BeanWrite to do this Job as it expects the name of the Form Object and each JSP works with different FOrms.

<bean:write  name="BaseForm" ignore="true" property="pageTitle"/>
doesn't work as there is no object stored as BaseForm in any of the Scopes.

At the moment i use
<bean:write  name="FormA" ignore="true" property="pageTitle"/>
<bean:write  name="FormB" ignore="true" property="pageTitle"/>

in different JSP's.

How do i go about using re-using this headerline.jsp instead of writing the same in every JSP?

APpreciate any help.


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