Maurice Wijtten wrote:
I have a multilangual form handled by a LookupDispatchAction. When we recently
added a spanish language, our action throwed an exception because it could not find
the corresponding key of the submit button. It seemed that a non asci character was
handled as UTF8 and not Unicode. (Instead of 1 character, 2 are posted).
I've done my homework but found nothing covering this usue yet.
For your information, i have the page encoding set on utf-8 in the jsp.

Maurice Wijtten

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The page is probably rendered as UTF-8, but when the servlet reads the request parameters it will assume they are the Latin encoding. You need to set the encoding on the request before the parameters are read by struts.

I have a filter that does this:


on every request.

Look at 7 here:

Jason Lea

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