> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shane Mingins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I have not used any of the JSTL tags which I am assuming 
> <c:set ...> is??  
> So I downloaded the JSTL library and included the core 
> library EL:  <%@
> taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; %> in my JSP
> The <c:set ...> is recognized :-)
> But the  ... disabled="<%=disable %> ... is not found.

What do you mean "is not found"?  Are you getting an error message?  If
so, what's the error message?  Are you including the taglib directives
for the Struts tag libraries?  It's hard to help if you don't tell us
exactly what happened.

> So is a preferred way of doing things when it comes to tags?  
> Is there an
> explanation of these options anywhere?  Am I making any sense *grin* ?

The best advice I could give would be to read the JSP specification, the
JSTL specification, and the Struts user guide and api reference.

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