Try changing the property value reference in your JSP to reference
"awardIndexed" instead of "AwardIndexed".  That might help, but I'm not

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I am still trying to get this to work. I simply want to 
> display records in
> table format in a browser and be able to change the data, do 
> a submit and
> have access to the changes back in the action. Currently I am 
> getting :
> "HTTP ERROR: 500 No getter method for property 
> AwardIndexed[0].safAwardCode
> of bean awards"
> If I can offer anymore info, please ask. Also, if anyone has a working
> example of this I would love to see the snippets of the jsp, 
> formbean and
> any other relevant parts.
> Mike
> Here are some snippets.
> .jsp -
> <logic:iterate name="awardMasResultsForm" property="awards" 
> id="awards"
> scope="session" indexId="ctr">
>            <bean:write name="awards" property='<%= 
> "AwardIndexed[" + ctr +
> "].safAwardCode" %>'/>
>        <html:checkbox name="awards" property='<%= 
> "AwardIndexed[" + ctr +
> "].deleteRecord" %>'/>
> form bean -
>   private ArrayList awards;
>  public void setAwardIndexed(int index, AwardMasView ob){
>   System.out.println("setAward");
>   this.awards.set(index, ob);
>  }
>  public AwardMasView getAwardIndexed(int index){
>   System.out.println("getAward");
>   return (AwardMasView)this.awards.get(index);
>  }

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