Peter Abbot wrote:

Generally if you are using a browser based interface to execute a
servlet requests (except if using frames) the user can only send one
request at a time. So if you are using a action with a session form and
another action wants to use that form means that the user doesn't want
the result of the previous request that might still be using the form.

Unfortunately, having frames is *not* the only scenario where you have to worry about multiple simultaneous requests. Two simple additional ones:

* Your app contains <img> tags that point back into your app (dynamically generated images,
for example).

* User starts a long request, presses stop, starts a second request.



-----Original Message-----
From: Manish Singla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2003 8:25 a.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Session-scoped form and synchronization...

hmmm..... may be this not an struts ActionServlet extends Java

Servlets .....
And Java Servlet is not not thread safe....

FYI: same goes for application attributes..

Bob Lee wrote:

I assume this is a bug then, because there's no way for me to do this.
It has to be done within Struts.


Kris Schneider wrote:

Nope, don't think so.

Quoting Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Does Struts synchronize on session-scoped forms? For example, can I
assume that Stuts won't modify the fields on a session-scoped form


response to one request while an action is still using it?


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