
I am a relative newbie with struts and I am trying to utilize both frames and IFrames 
from within a struts web application.   The application we are building has a form 
that submits to a jsp page that conatains a frameset.  I am using the html:frame tag 
in the frameset, but when the framed pages load, they do not have access to the form 
bean.  For the forward attribute of the frame, I have tried using both an action and a 
global forward, but neither works.  Am I missing something?  All I need to to is get 
the framed pages to read from the form bean that was submitted to the frameset jsp.

Here is the source of the frameset JSP (excluding taglib declarations):

<frameset name="testFrameset" cols="50%,*">
    <html:frame frameName="frameLeft" forward="testFrameLeft" />
    <html:frame frameName="frameRight" forward="testFrameRight" />

Here is the global forwards section of the struts-config.xml:
    <forward name="testFrameLeft" path="/testFrameLeft.jsp" />
    <forward name="testFrameRight" path="/testFrameRight.jsp" />

Also, the application we are building also utilizes iframes.  I've searched the 
javadocs and a couple books, but I can't find a similar mechanism with struts.  Is 
there a way to get request scoped parameters into the source of an Iframe?

Any help is greatly appreciated!



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