> -----Original Message-----
> From: Swaminathan Gurumoorthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I have a problem with the way I thought struts tags and jsp 
> expressions are evaluated.
> I have a sample code like this:
> <% int tabIndexCtr = 1; %> 
> <html:text property="customerNumber" tabindex="<%= 
> tabIndexCtr++ %>" size="18" maxlength="10" value="" 
> styleClass="textboxfont"/>
> I am trying to design my jsp's to have dynamic tab indexes so 
> that I don't have to hard code them.
> But I get an error like this:
>     [javac] inquireOrderBody_jsp.java:191: 
> setTabindex(java.lang.String) in 
> org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BaseHandlerTag cannot be 
> applied to (int)
>     [javac]           _jspx_th_html_text_0.setTabindex( 
> tabIndexCtr++ );

Try changing this:

"<%=tabIndexCtr++ %>"
'<%=tabIndexCtr++ + "" %>'

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