Brice Ruth wrote:
>> What I'm doing, is storing it in the request context
request.setAttribute("item",item)) and then my Action returns a forward
that is mapped to a tile definition. That tile definition assembles a
collection of tiles (which is all working) - the tile that needs to
access the information in the bean, then does this:
jsp:useBean id="item" scope="request" type="com.fiskars.webpdb.ItemBean"
But, when I try to output something, like c:out
value="${item.productName}" - I get nothing, no errors, no exceptions,
nothing. <<

I do a lot of <c:out> and absolutely *no* <jsp:useBean>.  I suspect that
the useBean tag is replacing the 'item' you put in request scope earlier
with a new (empty/blank) instance.  Have you tried it without

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University, PA, IRM  

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