Scriptlets let you do anything you want in your JSP. Many kinds of
processing don't belong in JSPs. Disallowing scriptlets discourages/prevents
writing complex logic in JSPs. That might keep your application architecture
more tidy. Or it might just anger your JSP authors. Opinions differ, but I
would pleased to be able to write an app without using scriptlets. Other
folks don't feel any motivation to eradicate them.

Assume it proves possible to write all your JSPs without scriptlets. You
have team members with two skill sets. The Designers do not know Java, but
do know HTML, JSP 2.0 EL, and JSTL. They work on JSPs. Another group, the
Developers, knows Java, HTML, JSP 2.0 EL, and JSTL. They work on JSPs
ocasionally. By blocking scriptlets, you prevent your Developers from
writing JSPs that your Designers could not maintain.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Srinivas Kusunam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 2:04 PM
Subject: Scriplets Question

        I have a question on using Scriplets on JSP page??

        Why does JSP-2.0 specification given an option to disable scriplets
in JSP?? What is the problem of putting Scriplets in JSP....... what
benefits are we getting using some standard \ custom Tags instead?


Srinivas Kusunam

Sr. Software Engineer
US Department of Agriculture
Missouri, USA.

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