You know in Struts you could submit on entering a field to get your options, but you did not do that I assume for good reasons.

Let me try this as a stab:

Please read this:
section on "Calling a server-side Script without refreshing the page"

Then once you understand that, this: or other similar, even XML-RPC via .js.

So I would design this is:
Type in a field.
.js calls to get a list for an options sellection
And capture the selection.

Of course since you need to do this a few times, you can write some helper reusable methods.
The form saves should still be done in Strtus.


Wendy Smoak wrote:
I gather that this is frowned upon:
      <forward name="resolution"      path="/" />

However, when I wrote the app, I couldn't find a way around it. The
flow is that you type a name in field 1 on form A, you get a list of
possible matches, and you pick one and return to form A which inserts
that name in field 1.

The complication is that there are multiple fields on form A that need
this behavior.  And then there's form B and C that also need to use this
name resolution.

I had to resort to sticking String in request scope and using that as
the target of the resolution form (which isn't a Struts form):
<form action="<c:out value="${returnTo}"/>" method="POST">

I'm using a recent nightly build.  Is there anything in there that can
solve the "go back where you came from" problem?  And once you get back
where you came from, I also need to know which field you were trying to

If it sounds like a mess, it is! (But it's working...)

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