I'm developing an application where I want to use a fine-grained authentication control using some request parameters plus the action to figure out whether the user may or may not enter the page...

I did implement this by making a hack where I checked whether the user was logged in and whether it was neccesary to be logged in to have permissions to enter the requested action.

If the user was not logged in and that was a requirement for the action I did send the user through a login page and back to the same requested action. This meant that the parameters where send again...

It was a very ugly hack and I am considering to start using the requestProcessor processRoles instead. Now I would like that the user would be sent to a login-form (like the default BASIC login form) before the requested action was requested...

-How can I send the user through such a login-form if the user hasn't logged in and that's required?
-What happens when the processRoles returns false... I see an empty screen. Can that be changed?


Morten Andersen Master of applied mathematics and computer science Amanuensis Interest areas: -e-learning -software engineering -applied math

The Maersk Institute of Production technology at Southern Danish University www.mip.sdu.dk
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+45 6550-3654
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