
In our current project we are using an adapted version of the Link<X>Tag
class provided with the struts example application. Check out this class
and I hope it is what you need.

Kind regards
Dennis Hunziker

-----Original Message-----
From: Theodosios Paschalidis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2003 00:10
Subject: Link-to-action?

Hi all,

I am a new struts user utilizing it for my uni project. I have reached a
point that I do not know how to handle "the struts way" and am really
stuck! I spent a lot time on this and I would be grateful for any
further info!

 I am dynamically producing some search results. I will be turning them
into links and I want to pass a parameter.

Is it possible that a user clicking on a link can trigger an action? eg
having something like <a href="DisplayItem.do?ItemId=223">

Using JSPs would be easy to do invoking the appropriate method directly
the above way.

Using servlets I could just do String
Since an ActionClass is a servlet could I achieve the same using the
Form as a transfer object for the ID property?

If this cannot be done using the struts sequence (Form-Action) then
maybe it will be easier forwarding to a JSP? Doing that though will
require me using a scriptlet to retrieve the object of interest :( Any
better way? (because my Items are nested I am trying to do it through an

In a nutshell: 1) I display a collection
                   2) I want to somehow select the item that the user
clicked, for detailed description

Any help will be really appreciated!
Thank you for your time,

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