html:link has a name attribute.

Set the name to a Map (e.g. HashMap)....

demo as follows: (syntax may be off)

<jsp:useBean id="params" class="java.util.HashMap" />


<html:link action="edit" name="params"/>

Rick Hightower

Struts/J2EE training --

Struts/J2EE consulting --
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Nakhla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:18 AM
To: Struts
Subject: html:link with multiple parameters

I have a web app that performs a search and returns the results in a Java
Collection.  I then use logic:iterate to display the returned results.  What
I would like to add, though, is the ability to edit the returned results.

I have an ActionServlet that does security checking and such, and a
parameter is passed in to specify the action to take.  For example, the url
would look like:  http://mypage/mycontroller?action=new or
http://mypage/mycontroller?action=edit.  My question is, how can I iterate
through my returned results and create html:links that result in urls that
look like this:  http://mypage/mycontroller?action=edit&id=12345?

I know html:link has parameter properties, but those seem to specify only
one parameter.  In my case, I need to specify 2 (the value for action and
the value for id), one of which is dynamic depending on the search results.
Any advice?

Thanks in advance!
Steve Nakhla

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