19 people signed up so far. Cool. Price goes up tmrw.

Vic Cekvenich wrote:
At nyhotel.com on April 3rd, convenient by train from Boston, NJ, Philly and DC.
1 day early registration rate at baseBeans.com now!
Price will go to $495 and up as the date approaches, and there are limited seats in the booked room.
As advertised in upcoming Feb. issue of JDJ. (scroll down to see the JDJ Ad as it will appear)
You can get advanced Struts sessions without going to JavaOne. Visit NYC in Spring.

After registration, you will receive a CD of conference materials, before the conference.

Speakers presenting live:
Husted, Raible, Begin, Canter, Cekvenich, Lewis-Ship, Johnson
Bring your questions!
More information coming... but you can lock the rate now.


ps: Q:What happened to baseBeans site? A.My HD crashed, it will take me a while to fix.
pps: Q:Is there any more info on the seminar available now? A: Not yet.

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