My perspective is that there is still value in having an ActionForm for that
example. I generally think it is best for your Actions to pass information
to the JSPs that render them through an ActionForm rather than putting
things in the request or session directly. For this reason, I think it would
be better to put the current time into an ActionForm than to stuff it into
the session. Struts will put your ActionForm in the request or session for
you; your Action need only populate it with data, and then the JSP can
expect to find your well-defined ActionForm in the scope specified in the
struts-config.xml file. It doesn't matter if there is no data coming in on
the request for Struts to pre-populate the ActionForm. Using an ActionForm
still has value in that it defines what the JSP can expect to find, and

Opinions on this topic surely vary (i.e. I am sure some people will disagree
with my recommendation here), and I have seen a lot of Actions and JSPs that
communicate via request and session attributes that aren't defined in the
struts-config file. But I prefer to limit the communication between the
Action and the JSP to a well-defined ActionForm in a well-defined scope to
the extent that it is possible. I view the Action/JSP coupling that comes
with passing otherwise undefined request and session attributes to be
undesireable. I think it is better to keep the interface between these
components (a specific ActionForm in a specific scope) well defined (by
specifying it in the struts-config.xml file).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Masashi Nakane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 5:00 PM
Subject: Action without ActionForm

>   Hi ,all
>   I am new to Struts and learning it.
>   And I am wondering how the strtus-config.xml and JSP look like when
>   a  JSP doesn't submit any info( dont need ActionForm) .
>   The JSP just display the current time and has one button "refresh".
>   CurrentTime.jsp ( user push refresh button)
>   -> CurrentTimeAction(get current time and put it  to Session Attribute)
>    -> CurrentTime.jsp ( get time from Session and render)
>   I have made the JSP without Struts framework . it works .
>   but I have no idea how I can make this with action mapping in
>   I made the mapping below and I got error when I try to open the JSP .
>   JSP is using <html:form> tag to make form.
> javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean
> but i dont need any ActionForm
> ---------------------------------------------
>       <action-mappings>
>            <action path="/currenttime"
>              <forward name="success" path="/CurrentTime.jsp" />
>          </action>
>      </action-mappings>
> -----------------------------
> I have already checked the which attribute of action tag is mandatory or
> optional .
> Should I make dummy ActionForm  ?
> Any comments are appriciated.
>   Masashi Nakane
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