Thanks Koh

I'll give that a go. I resolved it temporally by using the 1.0 dtd. I'll give your method a go when/if i need anything from validator 1.1.

Cheers again


On 7 Feb 2004, at 16:46, Kok Wei, Koh wrote:

I was stucked in a dtd problem with commons validator. After wasting too much time on it, I decided to download the source from cvs ... set digester.validate(false) and rebuild the jar.

You could try this if you wanna live without the dtd.

Mark Lowe wrote:
Anyone know how to get rid of the unknown host exception that the validator plugin throws when it cant connect to the internet.
I've tried putting the dtd's locally, and have tried to do what previous threads say will fix this to no avail. I recall this was fixed with one of the beta releases of 1.1 but its sneaked back in and its very annoying.
Please any advice appreciated, like how to set the dtd's up locally. I'd prefer to use the stable release of commons validator rather than getting burnt with any miscellaneous null pointer exceptions and such like.
The version of commons validator claims this is fixed in the release notes, which is plainly lies.
Cheers Mark
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