Hi  @all,
I iterate over a HashMap (mapped) to create my (register) form. 
<logic:iterate id="field" name="mapped">
<input type="text" name="field(<bean:write name="field" property="key"
/>)"  value="<bean:write name="field" property="value" />">
Now I want some of the input fields to be text and some
to be password. 
<logic:iterate id="field" name="mapped">
<logic:match name="field" value="password">
<input type="password" name="field(<bean:write name="field"
property="key" />)"  value="<bean:write name="field" property="value"
<logic:match name="field" value="conf_pwd">
<input type="password" name="field(<bean:write name="field"
property="key" />)"  value="<bean:write name="field" property="value"
<logic:notMatch name="field" value="password" value="conf_pwd">
<input type="text" name="field(<bean:write name="field" property="key"
/>)"  value="<bean:write name="field" property="value" />">
But this does not work! It prints out an two input field for password!
One of type text and one of type password!
Is their a better/correct way to archive this? Or an other tag I can

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