I'm working with "The Struts Workflow Extension" and I think I've found a
In the example "test" I´ve changed a part in the "struts-comfig.xml"



  <action path="/wf1St2Loop"
    <set-property property="authClass"
value="com.livinglogic.struts.workflow.test.TestAuthentication" />
    <set-property property="primaryWorkflow" value="wf1" />
    <set-property property="prevState" value="2" />
    <set-property property="newState" value="2_loop" />
    <set-property property="nextState" value="2" />
    <forward name="success" path="/wf1St2LoopEnd.do" />

  <action path="/wf1St2LoopEnd" forward="/WEB-INF/web/inHome.jsp">
    <set-property property="authClass"
value="com.livinglogic.struts.workflow.test.TestAuthentication" />
    <set-property property="primaryWorkflow" value="wf1" />
    <set-property property="prevState" value="2_loop" />
    <set-property property="newState" value="2" />
    <set-property property="nextState" value="2_loop" />
    <set-property property="nextState" value="3" />



<action path="/wf1St2Loop"
<set-property property="authClass"
value="com.livinglogic.struts.workflow.test.TestAuthentication" />
<set-property property="primaryWorkflow" value="wf1" />
<set-property property="prevState" value="2" />
<set-property property="prevState" value="2_loop" />
<set-property property="newState" value="2_loop" />
<set-property property="nextState" value="2_loop" />
<set-property property="nextState" value="3" />
<forward name="success" path="/WEB-INF/web/inHome.jsp"/>


Well, when I execute the example and I do several loops in the state "wf1-2"
then I change to the workflow "wf2" and the var "pathwf1" is not deleted.
When I go back to the workflow "wf1" then its value stays equal.
Anybody could say me why does it do this one?
Thank you

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