Hmmm. Sounds rather like a browser issue to me. You might want to see what
is actually being passed in that request - if its actually a valid multipart
request or not!

I had a try in IE, but IE's file selector is too smart to allow selection of
a folder as the upload file. Which browser are you using?

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2004 00:13
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: FileUploading Error

At 9:35 AM -0500 2/16/04, Mark Shifman wrote:
>In trying to bulletproof file uploading I noticed something odd.
>If I type some junk in the field for the file name and hit Submit, I get
>a file of size 0. I can deal with that.  If I type in a directory name
>in my home directory (admittedly a dumb thing to type) nothing seems to
>happen and I get this error in my log file.
>ERROR 2004-02-13 14:09:18,679
>Failed to parse multipart request
>org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException: Processing of
>multipart/form-data request failed. Stream ended unexpectedly
>This error seems to be thrown before it even gets to my UploadAction.
>How do I catch this and tell the user the file typed in is invalid?

In Javascript, the "value" of the form field is the path to the file;
you might be able to apply a mask validation testing for a reasonable
filename -- this is far from perfect, but may help.  I use this as a
cheap way to get around the lack of support for the "accepts"
attribute -- I test to see if the file has a "right extension" using
the mask validator.

Just one thought...


Joe Germuska
       "Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them
the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and
nobody thinks of complaining."
             -- Jef Raskin

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