
There is no issue with bookmarking. Where the app currently responds to:


The Struts version will respond in the same way to:


Even for viewing data, you will want to use an ActionForm. In the
example URL above, you'll want a property to hold the 'scid'. The same
ActionForm should also properties for all the detail information about
the item that will be shown by the JSP.


On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 15:18, Michael Steiger wrote:
> Hello list,
> this is my first Struts project, so I hope to get some answers and/or
> hints for my problems. I already searched the web for some answers but
> did not find the right ones.
> I am trying to redesign a partly Struts-enabled application to be a
> full-fledged Struts app. With partly I mean that there are some
> entrypoints into the app which are JSPs. If I understand the current
> design correctly the reason for this was to have the ability to bookmark
> certain pages. The flow is:
> If a data object (mostly a row in one db table, sometimes a bit more)
> should be displayed, a viewXXXdetail.jsp is called with the ID as an
> argument, e.g. viewXXXdetail.jsp?scid=23. This JSP fetches the data from
> the backend and displays it. Struts is not involved.
> To edit/delete this data object two buttons are included in this JSP.
> The edit button looks like this:
> <html:form action="/apSystemComplexActionLoad">
>    <html:hidden property="method" value="load" />
>    <html:hidden property="action" value="update" />
>    <input type="hidden" name="scid" value="<%=sc.getSCID()%>">
>    <input type="image" src="<c:url value="/pics/edit.gif"/>" alt="Edit">
> </html:form>
> In the corresponding action the data is fetched again from the backend
> using the supplied scid as the key and the ActionForm is filled with the 
> values from the backend object.
> First of all I would like to get rid of the viewXXXdetail.jsp but the
> user should be able to bookmark this detail page. Using the jsp there is
> no problem doing that but I have not found a way to do this using only
> Action classes/mappings.
> Second, what is the "correct" way of fetching and displaying backend 
> data either in read/only mode (no forms involved) or in update mode 
> (form->ActionForm involved)?
> Thanks in advance for any answer
> Michael
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