On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 23:01, Pradeep, PK wrote:
> I think whatever you do you can't make JSP and Action Class independent.
> Where are you populating ActionForm Object from the results from service
> layer? In Action class only right? Which you know very well for which
> JSP page it will be applicable.

True, but having one well-defined interface between the two (an
ActionForm) is preferable to having a handful of poorly-defined
interfaces between them (an ActionForm + stuffing a bunch of stuff into
the request).

> Also is it easy to populate all what you need in ActionForm? How one can
> populate resultset in action form which will automatically get populated
> in html table..

Yes, call myActionForm.setResults(results) instead of
request.setAttribute("results", results). This may seem like a minor
point (and it is admittedly a simple example), but maintaining complex
pages with a lot of structured data behind them gets difficult when you
have to pull a bunch of stuff out of the request with no structure
defined between the items you are pulling. Using the ActionForm as the
root of your data structure is a simple rule to follow that 'scales up'
(with data structure complexity) much better than request-stuffing.


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