I guess your first place to look would be DynaActionForm - this base
class dynamically creates FormAction objects setting the properties from
the struts-config file.


DynaValidatorActionForm adds validator support to this.

Perhaps you could extend this class to add your own methods for
specifying form properties on the fly. 

The key function seems to be initialize(FormBeanConfig) - FormBeanConfig
"represents the configuration information of a <form-bean> element in a
Struts configuration file".

So create a FormBeanConfig object in code to represent the dynamic data
you want and then initialize a DynaActionForm with this object.

Add properties to FormBeanConfig with addFormPropertyConfig.

That sounds like a realistic starting point... 

Anyone else have any ideas suggestions or corrections?

-----Original Message-----
From: Melonie Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 March 2004 18:30
Subject: Database backed forms

I have written a very rough website page content
management system using Struts and OJB. (The goal
being to allow end users to modify content without
having to know anything about Struts or the code
behind the pages.)

That's working all well and good, but now they want to
be able to create forms "on the fly".    

I would like to store all of the form components and
validation in the database as well, but I'm not sure
how to represent that in Struts (since there's no

I would appreciate any advice, tips/techniques, or
gotchas that you guys could provide.

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