Shawn wrote:
> 38a938c2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Shawn wrote:
>>> Why so much resizing? In ratpoison it resizes the window down by 1
>>> pixel and then back (I'm pretty sure). If you resize a window down to
>>> 1x1 it's possible the client will iconify the window because it's too
>>> small. I'd be happy to include a patch that does what rp does, or
>>> similar.
>> OK, so (current_w-1, current_h-1) and then (frame_w, frame_h) ? Will do.
> How about (current_w-1, current_h-1) then (current_w, current_h)?

No. Or that should be another command. If you give me two names, I will
use them. But "l" binding should maximize. The whole fun of redisplay in
ratpoison was maximizing a settings window that for some weird reasons
is 300x100 instead of 900x700 or whatever the biggest frame is.

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