This is a weird bug.  It only happens overnight.

I leave Emacs running on the desktop with no other applications visible
(there's two other windows on this workspace, and many others

Gnome is running.  Without Gnome, this problem doesn't occur.

My WM, via WINDOW_MANAGER in my .gnomerc, is StumpWM.

I start the screen saver and go home.  Next morning, I come back and the
Emacs cursor is a hollow box.  StumpWM won't take any input, and neither
will Emacs.  I can't switch workspaces.

I then tell Emacs (from the menu bar) to create a new window ("frame" in
Emacs lingo).  The new window shows up and has focus; StumpWM starts
working normally too.

Nothing in my crontab that runs overnight uses X.

Since I can easily remedy the problem it's not critical to me, but I
imagine if I left an application that can't make a new window at the
forefront from a menu it would be a less pleasant experience.


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