> I am new to stumpwm and I am wondering if there is a way to setup a
> keybinding that will call the window-send-string.  The purpose is I am
> going to try to take notes in LaTeX in class and I'd like to be able to
> insert code necessary to do things like create matrices or commutative
> diagrams.  I also have a related question.  I tried setting up a test
> key binding which worked, but I found it was not persistent.  I don't
> see anything like a .stumpwmrc file.  How do I get such things to be
> persistent?

You create .stumpwmrc . It is Common Lisp code to be executed inside
StumpWM (as if it were eval-ed in one pass). It's better to specify
(in-package :stumpwm) in the beginning. You can defcommand whatever Lisp
expression you want (for example, window-send-string something) and bind
the command. But I would use an text editor capable of bindings for
LaTeX editing anyway...

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