Julian Stecklina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Stefan Reichör <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi!
>> I use stumpwm daily at work. I get the following error 6-7 times a day.
>> stumpwm restarts itself and I can continue to work with all my open
>> applications.
>> But it would be nice to see this problem fixed.
> What SBCL version is this? Operating System?

Thanks for this reminder ;-)

I used SBCL v1.0.15 on RHEL3

I installed SBCL 4 months ago, so I downloaded a binary distribution,
since compiling looked to hard to do for me.

The only available version was v1.0.15 at this time.

However, today I found a binary for v1.0.20

And there seems to be a bugfix here:

bug fix: attempt to obtain *SCHEDULER-LOCK* recursively when unscheduling timer 
at the same time as another timer fires.

I have updated to v1.0.20 now and I will report back, if this fixes my


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