Here's what I ended up with:

(define-frame-preference "terms"
  (0 nil t :class "URxvt" :title "scs")
  (1 nil t :class "URxvt" :title "scc")
  (2 nil t :class "URxvt" :title "svn")
  (3 nil t :class "URxvt" :title "sql"))

(define-frame-preference "other"
  (0 nil nil :class "Emacs")
  (1 nil nil :class "Firefox"))

(define-stumpwm-command "programming"()
  (gnew "terms")
  (run-shell-command "urxvt -title scs")
  (run-shell-command "urxvt -title scc")
  (run-shell-command "urxvt -title sql")
  (run-shell-command "urxvt -title svn")

  (gnew "other")
  (run-shell-command "firefox")
  (run-shell-command "emacs"))

Works like a charm. Thanks alot!

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 1:40 AM, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Johan Andersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I actually tried that by looking at the sample that follows the source.
> But it didn't
> > seem to work in my case. Or I didn't understand how to use it.
> >
> > For example. I work a lot with Rails. So I want four URxvt terminals in
> one group and
> > then Emacs and Firefox in another group. I couldn't figure out how to
> specify that URxvt
> > should be opened in frames 0 to 3.
> I think the thing to do is to run 4 rxvts and give them each different
> titles, then write rules to match each title.
> > I also tried with dump-window-placement-rules, but that only gave me a
> file containing
> You need to first run the command remember to make a generic placement
> rule for the current window. Do this on the windows you want to
> remember, then run dump-window-placement-rules.
> -Shawn
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