Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The problem seems to be the following: for windows like QEmu nothing can
>> be done anyway; xterms are already set to wrong sizes by simple frame
>> splitting. So having some corner case incompatile redisplay
>> functionality seems better than nothing - there are many windows that
>> make it useful and a few which get minor glitches.
> No I think the problem could be fixed by resizing windows with resize
> hints by multiples of those hints. Then everything should be fine.

I am just following this discussion and wanted to say that solving this
is highly appreciated. A lot of configuration and file selection windows
tend to be to small to be useful otherwise. 

Btw, if someone can shed some light on the background of the problem, I
would be very interested.

Julian Stecklina

Well, take it from an old hand: the only reason it would be easier to
program in C is that you can't easily express complex problems in C,
so you don't. - Erik Naggum (in comp.lang.lisp)

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