>>>>> Shawn  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Lionel Flandrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> From inside the git repo: git checkout test

> I thought you needed to do: git checkout -b test origin/test

> which checks out the remote branch origin/test into the local branch
> called test. Once that's created then you can just do: git checkout test.

Yes, that is what I had to do.  Thanks to Holger for the advice.

Yours sincerely,
Dr Jim Ottaway, 
Research Officer: Translating Neurobiological Research, 
BIOS Centre for Bioscience, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Society,     
Room V1100, Tower 2,    
London School of Economics and Political Science,       
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7852 3688  

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