> <8/135> #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION />
> - 0
> - 924
> - #(924 0 528 0 349 0 624 0 352 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0)

Looks like a bug in clisp's new-clx.

If you boot up clisp -F full and eval:

(xlib:decode-wm-size-hints #(924 0 528 0 349 0 624 0 352 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0))

You'll get the divide by zero. It seems clisp tries to be sneaky and
represent the min and max aspect ratios as a ratio number, which works
except when the 0/0 is how you specify that there is no aspect ratio,
as mplayer does.

I'll file a bug on clisp-devel.


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