On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Martin
Dengler<mar...@martindengler.com> wrote:
> Reading the docs, I think that jidgo will allow the user to download
> (say) a .iso and a .img (NAND) file by downloading the files that are
> contained in them and then re-assembling the .iso and .img files?

You might need to track the iso and img as separate things. But
updates to the newer iso or img are just a delta. If iso or
NAND-formatted img files were rsync-friendly, this wouldn't be needed.

In any case, we can do the technical part alright. We're good at this.

The social part is more of a puzzle. Jigdo adds a step and a tool to
the process and for some reason that puts people off.

The snarky analysis would be:

 - repeated large downloads are annoying enough to complain
 - but not enough to use a new tool

which is blatantly incomplete. The real thing is that using jigdo
depends on jigdo being part of the everyday geek arsenal. It's not,
and that's a huge barrier.


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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