Hi Jonas,

here my report after running jh-build on a debian/squeze pc (i386 arch)

Machine 1 : debian i386 squeeze/sid

git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/sugar-jhbuild/mainline.git sugar-jhbuild

1/ Missing packages:
automake automake1.9 cdbs devscripts docbook-xsl gnome-common gtk-doc-tools
icon-naming-utils icon-slicer intltool libasound2-dev libavahi-gobject-dev
libboost-dev libcanberra-gtk-dev libcroco3-dev libcsound64-dev libdbus-1-dev
libdbus-glib-1-dev libenchant-dev libexpat1-dev libffi-dev libfribidi-dev
libgconf2-dev libglade2-dev libglib2.0-dev libgnomevfs2-dev libgsf-1-dev
libgtk2.0-dev libidl-dev libloudmouth1-dev libnspr4-dev libpoppler-glib-dev
libpopt-dev librsvg2-dev libssl-dev libsoup2.4-dev libsqlite3-dev libtool
libwnck-dev libwv-dev libxt-dev python-avahi python-cairo-dev python-csound
python-dev python-distutils-extra python-empy python-gtk2-dev python-xpcom
xulrunner-dev zlib1g-dev

Resolved with apt-get

2/ .sugar-jhbuild update

*** Checking out squeak *** [22/41]
svn checkout http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/olpc squeak
svn: OPTIONS of 'http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/olpc': could not
connect to server (http://squeakvm.org)
*** Error during phase checkout of squeak: ########## Error running svn checkout
http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/olpc squeak *** [22/41]

option: 2

git pull --rebase
Current branch master is up to date.
*** success *** [41/41]

3/ ./sugar-jhbuild depscheck
Warning: unknown distro version, automatic fallback to unstable.

4/ .sugar-jhbuild build

Error checkout squeak

option: 2

Error during phase build of etoys

option: 2

*** module meta-sugar not built due to non buildable meta-glucose *** [41/41]
*** the following modules were not built *** [41/41]
squeak meta-glucose meta-sugar

5/ .sugar-jhbuild run

Success : sucrose 85.1

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