Hey Tim,

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Tim McNamara

> 1) What kinds of things are likely to be of great interest to the general
> python community? What made you get involved with Sugar? Perhaps I could sow
> those seeds in local developers' minds...

Mostly just the promise of children all over the world learning with your
software.  Insert lots of pictures of kids smiling with XOs and other
computers running Sugar (preferably with laptops *open*; that bugs me about
much of the marketing).

Also, Sugar is a nice platform to work on as a developer: clean code, great
community, nice looking and progressive UI, cool technologies under the
hood, great web infrastructure.

Activities tend to be only a thousand or so lines of code.  An experienced
developer with a good plan can usually crank one out in a weekend.

> 2) Are there any bite-sized projects (eggs & spam)  that a hackfest could
> get involved with over the weekend?

Install jhbuild or a SoaS VM and "Adopt an activity".  We have a page going
which lists activities that are unmaintained and need to be adopted, with
links to their source:


A developer can pick an activity, contact its authors, copy it to the Sugar
Labs' infrastructure, make it work well on SoaS, and upload it to
activities.sugarlabs.org.  If the developer doesn't feel like becoming the
support contact for the activity for all time, they can simply list the
author as "Activity Team" and we will take care of maintenance.

There are tons more activities that aren't linked on the Activity Status
page, just googling for "Sugar Activity" is likely to turn up dozens of half
finished activities in need of maintenance.

3) Are there any main sized meals (eggs, spam, spam, spam & spam) that
> individuals & groups can get involved with on this side of the world? E.g.
> there seems to be *lots* of Sugar going on, but where is the starting
> line?

There are plenty of larger tasks up for grabs.

For people interested in writing activities:
For people wishing to work on improving Sugar:

Finally, there is always bug reproducing, triaging and squashing:

Best regards,
Sugar-devel mailing list

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