On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 7:22 PM, samy boutayeb <s.bouta...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to use the Read activity (version 86) in Mirabelle (either
> running from within Virtualbox & on a USB stick) and got the following
> error: "Failed to start".
> However, the same activity (same version) do launch and opens a document
> correctly (e.g. a pdf or a djvu file) on a XO 1.5 with Sugar 0.84.16
> (version 125).

I'm sorry to report this as a known error. We only noticed this very
late in the release cycle and got surprised by this. As it turns out,
this is apparently due to major API changes in gnome-python-evince.
There's a ticket open at bugs.sl.o:

If anybody could help with the porting, I bet Sayamindu would appreciate it.


> Regards,
> Samy
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