I did a preliminary cut on this topic last year:


It has not been updated
"This page was last modified on 1 November 2010, at 12:14."

Tom Gilliard

On 01/03/2012 08:20 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn wrote:

Many times, I wondered, what activities had to Sugar page SL (SugarLabs). But when you are looking for, not is easily to find the activities that are not public. Furthermore, when adding a new activity, you do not know if there is already a similar (even the same) on the server.
So I started making a list of everything I had in the server:


Is a simple system: a folder for an activity and after, in the web, with the same number: the
page of the activity.
For example:
the activity "I know America" was in the server in: http://download.sugarlabs.org/activities/4464/
And in SugarLabs: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4464

When I check all the files, I encountered many interesting things..
Activities that did not even have a page on SL... Duplicate activities/files..
So we have supplemented the list with that information.
In the first column, see the "id" that is automatically generated on the server. In the second column shows the name of the activity that is in that folder. In the spaces are blank, because there are no such folders on the server. In the column "Notes" are cases in which there are empty folders. The third column "Page" indicates the status of that activity in SL. Green means it is public. Orange means it is as "Experimental". Red means there is no page for this activity!
With the same color, I try to show the duplicate files..

Who is the maintainer of the site / server?

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