
I'm personally a fan of Arch Linux, but It's a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem, when we already don't have sufficient resources. While I welcome testing of Sugar on Arch, I don't think it makes sense for us to direct existing resources there, unless there's a demonstrable reason why it's necessary, or even directly beneficial. I would personally rather see Sugar Labs direct more focus on maintaining tested and good packages for Debian/Ubuntu, and Fedora, given that we know we have users there.

All distributions can be relatively easily customized, so I'm not particularly swayed by the argument that Arch serves customization any better than any other distribution, frankly. I also suspect that most schools that choose to use Linux are likely using one of the more popular, mainstream distros, such as Ubuntu or Debian, possibly Fedora. Regardless, anyone is free to contribute as they choose, but asking us to focus efforts to $favoritePreferredDistro doesn't necessarily serve to benefit the community as a whole.

Alex Perez
Srevin Saju <>
February 4, 2020 at 8:17 AM
I have noticed the GSoC projects for Ubuntu and Fedora, however, it would be nice to have Sugar tested on Arch Linux also, as part of GSoC. Currently we have only 1 tester for Arch, viz, Markimus, on the AUR. Testing on Arch Linux or Mankato, would help to also include Manjaro with Sugar DE distributions, moreover, Arch serves customisation, which a bigger organization can use, if they would like to use Sugar for students. This is only a suggestion. thanks.

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