On a CentOS 5.3 system, if I update the WWW::Mechanize perl with the latest package from rpmforge, perl-WWW-Mechanize-1.56-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm, and then try to use it, I get this error:

LWP::UserAgent version 5.827 required--this is only version 2.033 at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/WWW/Mechanize.pm line 106....

On this distro, the LWP::UserAgent module comes from the perl-libwww-perl package, from the CentOS base repository.

My work around for the time being is to force install of an older version:

yum install perl-WWW-Mechanize-1.34

However, any general update will attempt to upgrade that older version (and break my perl using that module).


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