I've tried all the used book searches without success. I thought the British bookstore, Blackwell's, really had one in-stock as their website said; actually, they lied! They intended to get it from the publisher, but there are none there any longer. Who was it who said Blackwell's is reputable?

I also requested info using the inquiry link on the publisher's website. The publisher sent me an email saying that they had sent the few remaining copies to the author, Allan Chapman. Helpfully, they did give me his address at Oxford. I sent him a postal letter asking if he has a copy he can make available; perhaps he will reply.

The book in question is:

"Dividing The Circle"
by Allan Chapman
published by Wiley/Praxis
ISBN  0-471-96169-8

Best wishes,

Larry McDavid W6FUB
Anaheim, CA  (20 miles southeast of Los Angeles, near Disneyland)


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